Invite existing business contacts.

Invite on time to a fair and to improve controllability use digital tools such as messaging systems.

Talk to the right people.

Clearly define the objectives and target audience before the fair. End your conversations with others politely, but quickly.

Ask the right questions.

Don't talk about yourself - listen! This is the point of getting to know your prospect and his or her needs. Only then can you offer the best solution.

Take notes.

Write down every conversation in a way that others can understand! Well-done contact documentation allows for accurate follow-up.

Actions to be agreed.

Don't let a prospect go without defining concrete next steps. Clarify when and who will make contact through which channel and what the topic will be!

Keep your word and be active immediately!

L’un des moyens les plus efficaces pour gagner la compétition dans le traitement des prospects, est de vous occuper du contact immédiatement après la foire. Près de la moitié de tous les prospects ne seront jamais recontacté – Faites mieux et restez présents après la foire.